Why Boarding Kennels Require Up-to-Date Canine Vaccinations and Flu Vaccines

As someone working in the vet industry, I often get questions about why boarding kennels require pets to have up-to-date vaccinations, especially the canine flu vaccines. It’s a great question and an important one to understand to keep our furry friends safe and healthy….

Possible Warning Signs of Underlying Health Concerns in Cats

As devoted pet owners, it is crucial to be aware that changes in our furry friends’ behavior can often be an early warning sign of underlying health issues. While some symptoms might be obvious, others can be more subtle. Here’s some info to help…

Understanding Upper Respiratory Disease in Guinea Pigs:

Upper Respiratory Infection or Disease in guinea pigs is a serious condition that can potentially be fatal if not addressed promptly. While some may mistake it for the common flu, expecting it to dissipate in a few days, it is far more severe. The…


–We wanted to make this post about kidney disease since it is one of the common diseases that we deal with here at Windward Animal Hospital. First I thought it was important to define the actual term disease since so many people have come…